It’s critical to have the right people around you when asking for advice and support – Roger Grona
Blog by Roger Grona – CEO – Firebird Business Consulting Ltd – One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned to date is to surround yourself with the right people. It’s critical to have the right people around you when asking for advice and support.
In my day I’ve had to filter through advice where people tried to discourage me from my dreams and aspirations.
Whenever I receive any form of advice I ask myself…..
1) Do they know what they are talking about? Are they experts? How much experience do they have?
2) Do they have my best intentions at heart? Are they truly trying to help me?
3) Is the advice constructive or destructive?
Answering these questions has helped me in determining what they were saying is good advice, bad advice, negativity or jealousy.
Advice can be so productive as well as negative. It can truly motivate you or stop you in your tracks. If it’s good advice, listen as it might stop you from making a mistake or on the other hand it could create an opportunity.
I have had great support and that is what has helped me achieve the things I have wanted to do in my life. I pride myself on having the right people around me in my personal and business. I’ve had great people around me from tonnes of industries and they have given me loads of experience and expertise. For that I am forever grateful.
Firebird Business Consulting Ltd. has an excellent track record business consulting (coaching) with business of all sizes from start-ups to 100+ million plus annual revenue.
Our 1-on-1 personal interview style helps us to understand your goals and concerns. We help in sales and business development acting as your business consultant. Identifying your opportunities and risks going forward.
We consult and help you create a plan to meet your short and long term goals for your business. The key to your success is the execution of our/your plan.
For more information on our team, about us or our services go to: www.firebirdbusinessconsulting.ca
Rise from the ashes. Burst into flames and go to the next level with Firebird Business Consulting Ltd.
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