Firebird Web Development & Web Design Servicing Saskatoon, Regina and Saskatchewan
Firebird Web Development & Web Design Servicing Saskatoon, Regina and Saskatchewan
Your website is typically where people go to check out your business prior to ever calling or coming to your business. They want to see what your business is all about. The services you offer; reviews; learn about your brand, products or other general information.
When people search your business what do they find? Do they find something good, something bad or nothing online about your business? This is important…clients, prospects, general public nowadays have tonnes of information at their fingertips. What is online about your business is critical to its/your success. At Firebird we practice what we preach and it works. See for yourself….Google Business Consulting Saskatoon and see what comes up? Where does Firebird show up? We don’t just show up once or twice in the first two pages, we also have great lead generation because of it. The search engine algorithms are constantly changing and having a strategy that allows you to stay ahead of your competitors is vital to your business.
What do people typically want or need with their website?
Customer Service – We are a Consulting Company first and Web Development Company second. Our first priority is to ensure and understand your needs and your clients’ needs and wants. Our Website Developers and Programmers have worked on basic websites to professional high tech websites. They know how to do things great and how to do things affordable…Why??? Because they are experts at what they do!
Customized or personalized – Having a website that is customized and knowledgeable of the current trends. This reflects your business, speaks about your brand, resulting in the end user understanding your customer experience, prior to ever stepping foot or doing prior business with your company. Too many businesses have a disconnect in what the online experience is and what the real life (face-to-face) experience is. You need to have the two align. Firebird Web Development is about crafting your website with local experts that consult on websites and have managed small to large portfolios. We understand what it takes to have effective websites that translates into revenue.
Functionality – Our team will work with you to ensure that functionality and your customers’ experience is top rated. We want to make sure that people want to come back to your website multiple times. Your website and online strategy needs to be customer friendly. We help you accomplish that.
Response Time – Customers want fast response times on your website, from how long it takes to load (load time), to how long it takes you to respond on your social media. We discuss with you a strategy that starts on your website and is supported by your social media. To help you develop relationships with current followers and attract new customers.
Convenience – Mobile Friendly – People in today’s world want everything at their fingertips. You need to be mobile friendly, e-commerce (when needed), have scheduling / calendars (when needed) or other options depending on your client’s needs. We can customize and price those options if and when they are needed. The world is fast and your website needs to be also, people want information now and do not want to wait. They want to know that you recognize the value of their time. This is imperative. If they are searching an industry online does your business show up? If they are looking specifically for your business…what shows up when searching or typing in your business name? A strong online presence and strategy can give you a competitive advantage or disadvantage? Make sure your business has a competitive advantage….
Social Media Strategy – What social media sites are you using and why? What results are you trying to get from your social media? A good or great social media strategy should lead to inquiries, leads, communication and conversions to business. We are experts in this field and practice what we preach and do it very well. Having a great online presence is not only about having a website, you need a strategy to drive traffic to your website.
What we offer? Firebird Web Development Services
– Web Development and Web Design
– SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
– Website Analytics
– Ecommerce
– Brand Development
– Online Strategy
– Social Media Management / Training
– Online Ads Boosting – Google, Facebook, LinkedIn etc.
– Graphic Design
– Website Management / Updates
– Blog Integration
– Retargeting
– Email Marketing
– Social Media Ads
– Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
– List Building
– Business Processing Models
Call 306-241-6215
Check out: https://firebirdbusinessconsulting.ca
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